Saturday, April 2, 2011

Choices for markmaking with ink

This was my composition. This is a different view though, the correct view is further below.

 This was a composition I was slightly interested in, but it was way too big to finish, with the moodswings that the sun was having.

Different view of the composition I picked. Some nice cast shadows

 This was my smoky paper(grey paper) tree composition, I thought about doin the same composition again for this assignment but, again the sun was very inconsistent.
 This is the composition I went along with finally. I liked the fore ground elements and the leaves at the bottom right, the light source was nicely directional, good cast shadows, managable composition, what not to like? well maybe the ink and stick technique.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stuff I found

  Thinking of trying to make that water effect come to life with simple material. That should be greatly timeconsuming.
 Interesting relationship between lights and darks
in the tree.


I think outside assignments suck because the light information is always changing! I wish I cud just pause the live world. I might have to start working from pictures/photos. :(

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I think this was very creative. I feel like in the beginning there was too much white but as it went on everytime the door is closed we feel a sense of appreciation for the light therefore it was some good contrast of both extremes
Oh my goodness I wish you knew the story line to this video game, SIMPLY BREATHTAKING. its the whole reason I'm here now. Umm the contrast is there between lights and darks, in the death scene the girl is lit up as if to show she's at piece and the hero is really dark, maybe to show the weight of his emotional state.
And ofcorse the awe so influencing superhero, batman, many scenes of his are off the hook. In this one the contrast between light and dark, I think, places emphasis on the characters and at the same time creates visual interest. Also at the end after batman seriously kicks ass, he leaves the crooks on the surface where they are lit up. That looks like it can be done with some sienna conte. just a btw.

Monday, January 31, 2011

I found these pretty amazing. I havent found something breathtaking though. The animation summed things up for me.