Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monsieur(P) Picasso

My good hommie... hehehe. Anyway I seem to have some attraction to his work so I'm gonna do some studuies in my sketch pad. About his human figure analysis and how he played around with that to bring out the crazy moods that I have fallen for thus far. Photos comin up!!

Self Evaluation

Well, umm when we began the class I was kinda light with my pencil marks, probably because I worked more with pens over the pencil work. Though as we progressed I started strengthening some lines accordingly. Then I started getting bummed with all the crisp line work I had going on. I felt they were too crisp to be presented from a far.
Now from my previous assignment, advise was given regarding my pressure on the pencil work. Looks like I am on the other extreme! Need to strike a center pole.

Drapery Assignment

Well I'm actually surprised I got this done because I have always had problems when it comes to clothing. I gotta say this line variation thing is gonna help with my future drawings. Dramatising my comics and al. Anyway, umm the struggles I went through.. I'd say were getting the fold at the bottom of the drapery, that is where it got into contact with the surface I placed behind it. All in all though, I felt good about it.