Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I feel like I have progressed well through the semester. Line has definitely sinked into my artistic sense and now I pay good attention to it when I work on my own pieces. For me especially, working on comics and all, I think playing around with line is very important so as to guide the reader through the events and not to confuse them. I don't feel like I have lost anything in terms of my technique. I think I have built up on it and I'm looking forward to developing some more.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Preferred material

I would have to go with charcoal. I like how it glides though the page especially when dealing with a big composition. Also it has a good effect for line variation as all you have to do is apply pressure and it gives you a solid thick line. Graphite needs too much elbow grease.  It can also give you a good crisp line and it trails of very naturally. yes.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Hope I didn't make myself look like a cartoon by working backwords, but back home some people used to say that I look like a cartoon, hehe. But yes, I did chose to work backwards, finished to unfinished. Felt slightly bad messing it up, but hey, I had just won 20 bucks when nuggets beat the lakers, so it was cool.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

On it's own level

its on it's own level

graphiti Art

This is just some stuff that inspires me when I wanna put line variation on small parts in huge compositions. Because it actually makes a difference when you step back.


Comic books and comic book images. They have so much stuff in them. Line work and value, but it bugs me nowadays because I see such little variation.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Stiill looking for an ideal composition. I found one, but it's too cold to go out there and sketch real quick... actualy maybe not. The biggest problem will probably be getting my line work real confident and right at the same time

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Paper assignment

Difficulty! Plain and simply difficult. Here I am trying to make something unique, tearing up my very expensive bond paper.. I felt like screaming at something. Anyway, hopefully my practice on the sketchpad will help and maybe the use of old techniques from this class will also come in handy.
On the sketchbook, i figured using lines for the curves would be a better idea for the beginning sketch. Again we'll see what happens.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blind Contour Assignment

The assignment was very troublesome. I could never manage to get the line back to where it started. I was very confused and woried that I wasn't doing the right thing. The charcoal squeaked a lot. Luckily I was the only one who had to go through the torment. Trying to use up a good amount of the space was really tough and I wasn't sure if we had to put up a background. Yeah thats it

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Monsieur(P) Picasso

My good hommie... hehehe. Anyway I seem to have some attraction to his work so I'm gonna do some studuies in my sketch pad. About his human figure analysis and how he played around with that to bring out the crazy moods that I have fallen for thus far. Photos comin up!!

Self Evaluation

Well, umm when we began the class I was kinda light with my pencil marks, probably because I worked more with pens over the pencil work. Though as we progressed I started strengthening some lines accordingly. Then I started getting bummed with all the crisp line work I had going on. I felt they were too crisp to be presented from a far.
Now from my previous assignment, advise was given regarding my pressure on the pencil work. Looks like I am on the other extreme! Need to strike a center pole.

Drapery Assignment

Well I'm actually surprised I got this done because I have always had problems when it comes to clothing. I gotta say this line variation thing is gonna help with my future drawings. Dramatising my comics and al. Anyway, umm the struggles I went through.. I'd say were getting the fold at the bottom of the drapery, that is where it got into contact with the surface I placed behind it. All in all though, I felt good about it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

First Assignment

Oh! I just noticed why my assignment lines looked the way they did... It was because I used quick lines all through!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sketch Book

Wuhuuu! Just started working on my sketch pad. Done a few perspective drawings in addition to what we did in class.
Just because I found out that I suck at using that huge metallic ruler. And I think I need to learn how to use more of the page.

John Mayer and maybe Dave Mahews

The few people getting me through the blog process.


It should be noted that I hated the blog creation thing. Probably coz I've never done it before. Much like the frustration that set in when I was unable to open up a fixative can.... luckily the good ol' mca drawing students helped me out. Apparently you have to pinch the top. :) WHY? WHY WUD THEY DO THAT?!

Anyway I hope my blog's complete? I'll probably style up the settings later on.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


       At the darkest time of the night is when light emerges. Forgive my randomness

       The assignment was alright. It definitely focused my attention to the characteristics of lines and the different effects that they have on the human eye. Also, learned the necessity of negative space. It gives the eyes a break and kills the monotony so to speak. Using the different pencils along side each other was also interesting for me as I got to picture how this could help when dealing with other drawing techniques and things like perspective, where I'd use thick lines at the fore ground and thin lies at the back ground, or experiment and use the thick lines in the background to create a blurry effect.
Interesting stuff.