Tuesday, August 24, 2010


       At the darkest time of the night is when light emerges. Forgive my randomness

       The assignment was alright. It definitely focused my attention to the characteristics of lines and the different effects that they have on the human eye. Also, learned the necessity of negative space. It gives the eyes a break and kills the monotony so to speak. Using the different pencils along side each other was also interesting for me as I got to picture how this could help when dealing with other drawing techniques and things like perspective, where I'd use thick lines at the fore ground and thin lies at the back ground, or experiment and use the thick lines in the background to create a blurry effect.
Interesting stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Remember those lessons. Thinking like that gives you a head start for when we begin talking about how line variation can give the illusion of three dimensional space, form, and volume.
